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Exercises on Subject Verb Agreement for Class 8


Subject-verb agreement is a crucial aspect of English grammar that every student must master. As a class 8 student, you will be expected to know how to match your subjects with the correct verb form. To help you practice, here are some exercises on subject-verb agreement that you can try:

1. Identify the subject and verb in the following sentence and choose the appropriate verb form:

“The group of birds (is/are) flying south for the winter.”

Subject: The group of birds

Verb: flying

Answer: The correct verb form is “is” because “group” is a collective noun that requires a singular verb.

2. Identify the subject and verb in the following sentence and choose the appropriate verb form:

“My friends and I (am/is/are) going to the mall today.”

Subject: My friends and I

Verb: going

Answer: The correct verb form is “are” because “friends and I” is a plural subject that requires a plural verb.

3. Identify the subject and verb in the following sentence and choose the appropriate verb form:

“Neither the cat nor the dog (like/likes) to take a bath.”

Subject: Neither the cat nor the dog

Verb: like

Answer: The correct verb form is “likes” because “neither” is a negative word that makes the subject singular.

4. Identify the subject and verb in the following sentence and choose the appropriate verb form:

“The apples on the tree (looks/look) ripe and delicious.”

Subject: The apples on the tree

Verb: look

Answer: The correct verb form is “look” because “apples” is a plural subject that requires a plural verb.

5. Identify the subject and verb in the following sentence and choose the appropriate verb form:

“Mathematics (is/are) my favorite subject in school.”

Subject: Mathematics

Verb: is

Answer: The correct verb form is “is” because “mathematics” is an uncountable noun that requires a singular verb.

These exercises on subject-verb agreement will help you practice matching your subjects with the correct verb form. Remember to always identify the subject before choosing the appropriate verb form. With regular practice, you will be able to master this grammar rule easily.