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Verbal Agreement with Contractor


Verbal Agreement with Contractor: What You Need to Know

When you`re working on a construction project or home renovation, you`ll likely communicate with your contractor in various ways. One of those ways may be through a verbal agreement. But, is a verbal agreement legally binding? And, how can you protect yourself if something goes wrong?

First, it`s important to understand that a verbal agreement can be legally binding in some cases. However, the issue with a verbal agreement is that it can be difficult to prove what was agreed upon without any written documentation. This is why it`s generally recommended to have a written contract with your contractor.

A written contract can outline the details of the project, including the scope of work, timeline, payment schedule, materials to be used, and any other important details. It also provides a clear record of the agreement, so if there are any disputes or issues down the line, you have something to refer back to.

However, if you do have a verbal agreement with your contractor, there are a few things you can do to protect yourself:

1. Document everything – Even if you don`t have a written contract, make sure to document all communication with your contractor, including emails, text messages, and notes from phone calls or in-person meetings.

2. Confirm details in writing – If you do have a verbal agreement with your contractor, follow up with an email or letter confirming what was discussed and agreed upon. This can serve as a written record of the agreement.

3. Be aware of the risks – If you only have a verbal agreement with your contractor, you run the risk of misunderstandings, miscommunications, and disagreements. It`s important to be aware of these risks and take steps to minimize them.

4. Consider hiring a lawyer – If your project is particularly complex or high-stakes, you may want to consider hiring a lawyer to help you draft a contract or review any agreements you have with your contractor.

In conclusion, while a verbal agreement with your contractor can be legally binding in some cases, it`s generally recommended to have a written contract. If you do have a verbal agreement, make sure to document everything, confirm details in writing, be aware of the risks, and consider hiring a lawyer if necessary. By taking these steps, you can protect yourself and ensure that your project goes smoothly.