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What Word Is Similar to Agreement


When it comes to writing, choosing the right word can make all the difference in the impact your writing has. One word that is often used when trying to convey a sense of consensus or harmony is “agreement.” While this is a perfectly good word to use in many contexts, there are times when you might want to choose a synonym instead.

So, what word is similar to agreement? Here are a few options to consider:

1. Accord: Accord is a noun that means “a formal agreement or treaty.” It can also be used as a verb to mean “to come to an agreement.” Like agreement, accord implies that two or more parties have reached a consensus.

Example: The two sides were able to reach an accord on the new trade deal.

2. Conformity: Conformity is a noun that means “compliance with rules or laws.” While it doesn`t necessarily connote agreement in the same way as some of the other words on this list, it does suggest that everyone is following the same rules or guidelines.

Example: The company`s strict adherence to safety regulations ensured conformity among its employees.

3. Consensus: Consensus is a noun that means “a general agreement.” It implies that a group of people have come to a shared understanding or decision.

Example: After much discussion, the board was able to reach a consensus on the new budget.

4. Harmony: Harmony is a noun that means “agreement or accord.” It can also be used to describe a pleasing combination of different elements or ideas.

Example: The team worked in harmony to complete the project ahead of schedule.

5. Unity: Unity is a noun that means “the state of being united or joined as a whole.” It suggests that everyone is working together towards a common goal.

Example: The community came together in unity to support the victims of the natural disaster.

When deciding what word to use instead of agreement, consider the connotations of each option and choose the one that best fits the tone and meaning of your writing. By doing so, you can ensure that your words have the intended impact on your audience.