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Subject Verb Agreement French Passe Compose


Subject-verb agreement is an essential skill when it comes to writing in French. In particular, the use of passé composé (the past tense) requires careful attention to ensure that the subject and verb agree. In this article, we will explore the rules and exceptions that govern subject-verb agreement in passé composé.

First, let`s review what passé composé is. In French, passé composé is used to express actions that happened in the past, similar to the English past tense. It is formed by combining the auxiliary verb “avoir” or “être” with the past participle of the main verb.

When using “avoir,” the past participle must agree with the direct object if it is placed before the verb. For example:

J`ai mangé une pomme. (I ate an apple.)

Elle a vu les photos. (She saw the pictures.)

In these sentences, “pomme” and “photos” are the direct objects, and since they are both feminine, the past participle “mangé” and “vu” must agree in gender and number.

However, when using “être,” the past participle must agree with the subject in gender and number. For example:

Je suis allé au cinéma. (I went to the cinema.)

Elles sont parties en vacances. (They went on vacation.)

In these sentences, “je” and “elles” are the subjects, and since “je” is masculine and “elles” is feminine and plural, the past participles “allé” and “parties” must agree in gender and number.

One important exception to keep in mind is when using “avoir” as the auxiliary verb and the direct object is a pronoun. In this case, the past participle must agree with the pronoun in gender and number, regardless of its position in the sentence. For example:

Je les ai vus hier soir. (I saw them last night.)

Elle l`a invitée à sa fête. (She invited her to her party.)

In these sentences, “les” and “l`” are the direct object pronouns, and the past participles “vus” and “invitée” must agree with them in gender and number.

In summary, subject-verb agreement is crucial when using passé composé in French. It is essential to pay attention to the gender and number of the subject, direct object, and pronouns when choosing the correct past participle form. With practice and attention to detail, mastering subject-verb agreement in passé composé will become second nature.